I have walked by this tree trunk in Adventureland a million times, and I have to admit that it took me a looooong time to even notice that there was “something” carved into the base of the tree. Some people think it’s a likeness of Jabba The Hutt. That “some people” includes me.

Who is Jabba the Hutt?
Jabba the Hutt is a slug-like alien who first appeared in Return of the Jedi (1983). His official-real name is Jabba Desilijic Tiure.
He’s basically the most powerful crime boss on the planet Tatooine – that is, until he tries to enslave Princess Leia.
Look for Jabba, or whoever this carving is of, at the base of the tree trunk near Tarzan’s Treehouse and the Adventureland bridge.

Here’s another wider view of exactly where you can find Jabba The Hutt’s likeness carved into the tree at Tarzan’s Treehouse.